Southern Section Events
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The listed events on this page are not all sanctioned Club runs so check and see the section events and fill out one of your logbook days if it is not listed in the Club events.
The Club rooms are open every Wednesday from 12noon, why not join your fellow enthusiasts for a chat and a cuppa.
If you have any items for Small Torque – car related For Sales or Wanted, or stories of your first car, your first restoration etc. or anything you think would be of interest to other enthusiasts
please submit to Section Editor before the 12th of each month.

A reminder also that ALL ITEMS should be submitted through your Section Editor.
Feel free to contact a committee member with any suggestions of a run ,a pub meal etc
OCTOBER Meetings resume on the 1st Tuesday of the month 7pm for a 7:30pm start.
Veteran Car Club of Australia (Tasmania )Inc

Sunday 15th September - “Coffee and Cars Richmond”
9am onwards till noon at The Richmond Arms Pub car park. Open to all-comers. Just turn up and show off your vehicle and enjoy a coffee and chat. Ladies can wander the many artisan shops and galleries. This event is the 3rd Sunday of each month, similar to “Classics on the Beach”.

Wednesday 18th September
Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need

Wednesday 25th September Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need


Committee /General Meetings Return to 1st Tuesdays Monthly as per below

Tuesday 1st Oct - Committee/General Meeting
Clubrooms  7pm for 730pm start

Wednesday 2nd October – Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need.

Sunday 6th Oct – Classics on the Beach
Lower Sandy Bay Beach from 9am. Make your own way there. 1st Sunday of month.

Wednesday 9th October – Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need.

Wednesday 16th October – Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need.

Sunday 20th October – “Coffee and Cars at Richmond”
9am onwards till noon at The Richmond Arms Pub car park. Open to all-comers. Just turn up and show off your vehicle and enjoy a coffee and chat. Ladies can wander the many artisan shops and galleries. This event is the 3rd Sunday of each month, similar to “Classics on the Beach”.
Saturday 26th October - SHANNONS -TAKE YOUR TOPS OFF
Convertibles car show for National Breast Cancer Foundation
Parliament House Lawns Hobart -. Flyer in September
Small Torque
Entry via Lower Murray St.
9am-2.30pm - No late entry accepted- and entrants must remain until 2.30pm
Contact Rod Belbin on 0408 314 309

Wednesdays 30th October – Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need.


Sunday 3rd November – Classics on the Beach
Lower Sandy Bay Beach from 9am. Make your own way there. 1st Sunday of month.

Tuesday 5th November - Committee/General Meeting Clubrooms 7pm for 730pm start

Wednesday 6th November – Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need.

Sunday 10th November - Executive Committee Meeting Launceston Club Rooms

Wednesdays 13th November
– Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need.

Sunday 17th November – “Coffee and Cars at Richmond”
9am onwards till noon at The Richmond Arms Pub car park. Open to all-comers. Just turn up and show off your vehicle and enjoy a coffee and chat. Ladies can wander the many artisan shops and galleries. This event is the 3rd Sunday of each month, similar to “Classics on the Beach”.

Wednesdays 20th November
– Club rooms open from 12 noon – All welcome
Come on out to your club rooms and meet fellow members – you may like to help out if anything needs doing – it is always appreciated. Have a cuppa and a chat, browse the library - lots of old photos etc. Check the spares shed, new area now complete - you may find a part you need.